HummingbirdCRM Hosted Services - Security Statement

Hummingbird Hosted Services
Hummingbirds hosted platform utilises some of the most advanced technology available for internet security. Transport Layer Security (TLS) protects your data in transit between your client and data centre. TLS achieves this by using server authentication and encryption of data.

Access to your data is also protected by credentials only available to members of your organisation. Passwords owners are responsible for maintaining their user ID and passwords confidentiality.
Data Storage
Your data and applications are secured in state-of-the-art facilities managed by Microsoft Azure. Azure is composed of globally distributed data centre infrastructure, supporting thousands of online services and spanning more than 100 highly secure facilities worldwide. While TLS secures your data in transit, Transparent data encryption (TDE) encrypts your data at rest against the threat of malicious offline activity.
Physical Security
Microsoft's data centres are designed, built and operated in a way that strictly controls physical access to the areas where customer data is stored. Microsoft takes a layered approach to physical security, to reduce the risk of unauthorised users gaining physical access to your data and the data center resources. Extensive layers of protection: access approval at the facility’s perimeter, at the building perimeter, inside the building, and on the datacenter floor.

For more on data security, click here
People and Access
Both Azure and Hummingbird limit access to your data to staff members who specifically require access to perform their day to day responsibilities. Where staff have access, it is strictly limited to the time duration required to complete their tasks.